My 10 things for a healthy lifestyle routine

ImageSince the beginning of 2013, I have been fully dedicated to self-care. I’ve been able to add, move around, and get comfortable with a routine that feels good for me and is easy to hang on to. I’d like to share it with you:

  1. Coconut oil has found a place in my heart, my kitchen cupboard, and my bathroom vanity. I use 100% pure organic virgin coconut oil. It’s important that you source a brand that is virgin and organic. I use this as a face and body cream, straight up. At times I will apply a small amount to the tips of my hair. I also use coconut oil as the main oil when cooking. I use the Nutiva brand. You can find it almost anywhere. I buy mine at Planet Organic or Blush Lane. UPDATE: Here is a great video about coconut oil by the lovely Bianca of Vitality Guide for Women.
  2. Exercise is key to a healthy life. I’m not talking about having to sweat it out 5 days a week in a 90 min moksha class. I’m talking about taking 10 minutes every morning and night to just stretch it out. I’m hoping you do other activity throughout the day whether it be walking, running, taking care of kids, gardening, etc. I find that if you set up activities in bite-sized chunks throughout your day your level of compliance will be much higher. I stumbled upon Tara Stiles. Right now she is doing a yoga challenge and providing FREE YouTube videos that you can follow. Check her out and get stretching.
  3. Right after my yoga I settle into my day with a 15 minute guided meditation. I did Deepak Chopra and Oprah’s 21 day mediation challenge and fell in love with it. So after that I purchased the other mediation series: love, abundance, perfect health. I highly recommend that you try out some guided mediation tools. It will help you ease into the practice and develop a habit. Search around for ones that you like. There are free ones available too. Check out Deepak here.
  4. The first thing I do every morning is I have a glass of warm water with lemon. This helps to clear away the cobwebs, aids in digestion, alkalizes the body, and so much more. To add to that, I recently bought a Santevia. This little beauty filters your water and returns it to its natural alkalize state. Your body needs this. Acidity breeds dis-ease. You can purchase one at Planet Organic.
  5. I was never a big supporter of supplements. The reality is, with the state of our food, water, and soil, we just cannot get everything we need anymore from our food source. It is a sad state of affairs. One day it will return to its natural state, I have faith in this. For now, find our what you are missing. Currently I am taking a multi-vitamin and vitamin D. It has made a huge difference in my energy and mood levels.
  6. This is a tough one, but so, so, so important…planning healthy eating throughout your day. After my yoga and mediation I have my first meal. Usually it is a bowl of oats, or quinoa. I may add a green juice. The trick is to keep nourishing your body throughout the day with healthy choices so that you don’t grab that pastry or coffee. I pack my water with me, fruit, sometimes some veggies, and nuts. This will help me sustain my energy levels and satiate my appetite. If you cannot do this, then make healthy choices when you are eating out. The secret it is keep yourself well-fueled so you don’t go for that quick fix.
  7. WATER! I love water but am very bad at remembering to drink it. Trust me, after you get into the habit of properly hydrating yourself you will notice many miracles happening: no more dark circles under your eyes, increased energy, good mood, decrease in hunger, glowing skin, healthy nails, shiny hair, decrease in stomach acid and increase in healthy digestion. If you have problems remembering to drink, guess what, there is an app for that!
  8. Taking time out to read. Whatever it is you desire: fiction, non-fiction, work-related, etc. Take at least 30 minutes a day to do some reading. It is almost like a mini mediation. It can be soothing, inspiring, and exercises your brain. We tend to use our right side of the brain increasing our creative muscles more. It helps to bring perspective to our day and helps us to be in the present.
  9. Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people and make a habit of spending time with them each week. I have a great group that I am committed to touching base with once a week. We share things that may be challenging, inspiring, and just lend an ear to each other. When you share, you shake the shackles of fear and realize that you are not alone. It’s a great practice for your heart, and ego.
  10. Lastly, and most importantly, I keep a gratitude journal. Every night I recount my day and write down the things that I am grateful for. The goal is to think about this throughout your day. Live each day in the present. Give thanks to the gifts that life gives you. Take the opportunity to always give back. Leave your past in the past and focus on the present. When you bring your past into your present, it becomes your future. Be grateful for a brand new day, everyday.

SURPRISE, I have to add one more for good measure. It’s probably the most important…SMILE. Every second of everyday, smile to yourself, smile to others. A smile is a door to an open heart.

Wait…one more…listen to music and dance every day. Even if it is just for 5 minutes, in the shower, in the kitchen, in your car…wherever your are, just dance.

I probably could add more, but those would be my essentials. I would LOVE to hear what you include in your daily regimen. Share with me your tips, tricks, and must-haves!

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.  ~Buddha

6 thoughts on “My 10 things for a healthy lifestyle routine

  1. Yes music! I’m always in a better state when I’ve listened to some music that makes me move. And, yes, this often happens in the shower. That and quiet, still time. Keeps me balanced. :)

    • I tend to forget how important music and movement is. It is so important! It elevates your mood, and it really helps to connect you to spirit, if you are into that ;)

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