Twas the night before Christmas

Play Poster from The Citadel Theatre, Edmonton, AB

Wow! It has been over a month since my last post. Honestly, it feels like five years has gone by. Perspective is key. My husband and I tend to trip over all our ideas, hopes, and dreams that continually spill like a waterfall. We have only been in Canada just shy of three months. We are doing really well. I have been able to snag a couple of small contracts and just recently a nice three month contract. The husband has not been working full time like he wants to, but he has been working on a few contracts here and there as well.

I have been introducing him to Christmas. The frenzy. The shopping (which we are not partaking in). The baking (that we have been partaking in). The gathering of friends and family. And let’s not forget the most important thing, the weather!

The snow has been a shocking and beautiful surprise. Cold days. Lazy days and nights. A bit of cabin fever starts to creep in. Last night we broke up the monotony. We received two tickets to see A Christmas Carol at the Citadel. It was brilliant! It was the perfect event to really understand what the meaning of Christmas is all about.

I think I watched my husband’s expressions more than I watched the production. He was grinning from ear to ear. He was intrigued, excited, and so full of joy. It was awesome that we were able to experience live theatre together. It is always in 3D. It is live and filled with true human emotion. I am hooked. I cannot wait for the next play at the Citadel.

Next on our holiday list is Christmas Eve dinner with my mom. It will be a seafood affair! We cannot wait. Christmas day will be spent with my dad and my aunt’s family. Some more family for my husband to meet! I cannot wait. And boxing day will be spent with our close group of friends at their house. A nice relaxing afternoon with chatter, children, snow, food, and maybe some wine too.

Remember the true meaning of Christmas this year: love, giving from your heart, peace, and gratitude. If you can, help make this Christmas a reality to those less fortunate. Give to the Edmonton Food Bank, deliver for Santas Anonymous, or find many other charitable organizations that are accepting donations for the holiday. Most importantly, give the gift of love all year round!

This year will be my first Christmas with my husband. Although it may not adhere to our personal beliefs, it certainly is a holiday to express goodwill to all! And that is the lesson in the story, A Christmas Carol. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and LOVE to all!

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